Volunteering at Pohatu

Conservation action days.

Every now and then we need a bit of help around our forest reserves and Penguin colony.


Volunteers Planting Natives in Mable hope reserve in Pohatu.

We organize conservation action days when the need fits.

Here's is a list of jobs we do in Pohatu that we always love a bit of help with.

  • Weed control in the reserves - cutting out Gorse or chopping out Thistles around the penguin nesting areas (to avoid using chemical sprays.)
  • Track building and maintenance in the reserves and around the penguin colony and traplines around Pohatu.
  • Nest Box building, Korora (littlePenguin), Ruru ( Owl ) and rifleman
  • Planting native trees, watering the young hard to reach trees.
  • Fencing reserves
  • Biodiversity Surveys and monitoring.
  • Farm clean ups due to natural disasters e.g. Flooding events. Digging out slip sites, rebuilding, Rubbish clean up.

volunteering22 Ave placing a nesting box and team of awesome volunteers helping with the penguin survey

So, if you’re interested in giving us a hand in the conservation of Pōhatu, you can check this webpage and sign up to our newsletter and see when our action days will be.

One big thing coming up next season is our quadrianel penguin survey. This means walking around the hills and crawling under thick vegetation in places to identify penguins breeding attemps.
The survey wil take 3 to 4 weeks (November, December) to complete the whole bay so any help given on any day would be greatly appreciated but be ready to hard work.

volunterring-image6 1 Volunteers diving into action on the 2020 Korora survey.

volunteering33 Planting Natives!